Based in London’s Hatton Garden
Established in 1839 we are a long established and trusted business based in London’s Hatton Garden.
Gold ownership throughout history had been reserved for the rich but J Blundell & Sons strive to make the ownership of precious metals accessible and affordable to everyone!
We offer LBMA approved fine gold bars and gold coins are suitable for investments or for gifts at great prices. Our gold bars and gold coins are sourced either from the mint or manufacturer or through approved and audited supply chains that guarantee the authenticity of the products that we supply.
All new gold bars are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.
For all pre-owned ‘best-price’ gold bars we supply we put each pre-owned item through rigorous testing. Testing involves checking for weight via calibrated industrial scales, seal integrity with industry experts and purity using a NITON XRF gun analyser and the Fischer SIGMASCOPE® conductivity tester.
Your new investment gold or gold gift can be delivered to your UK address via free fully insured, signed for delivery. Buy Now!
*Please supply a date quote from competitor on their company header paper
**J Blundells & Sons are happy to provide advice on products that we feel meet with your investment needs but we are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and are not authorised to provide investment advice. You should always seek independent financial advice.
***Items must pass testing for authenticity and will be priced on the day of being sold, at that day’s gold rate. Daily rates are published here.