The 1957 Elizabeth II & 1926 George V Gold Sovereign Set brings together two iconic British gold coins from different eras, each struck in 22-carat gold. The 1957 sovereign features the youthful portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse, marking the early years of her reign, while the 1926 sovereign bears the dignified image of King George V. Both coins display Benedetto Pistrucci’s classic St. George and the Dragon design on the reverse, symbolizing British valor and tradition. This unique pairing is a prized collector’s set, capturing both historical significance and royal legacy across generations.
Composition: 22-carat gold (91.67% gold, 8.33% copper alloy)
Weight: 7.98 grams (each)
Gold Content: 7.32 grams (each)
Diameter: 22.05 mm
Thickness: 1.52 mm
Edge: Milled
Coin Designs:
1957 Elizabeth II Sovereign:
Obverse: Features the first portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Mary Gillick, with the inscription “ELIZABETH II DEI GRA: BRITT: OMN: REGINA F:D:” (Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, Queen of all the Britains, Defender of the Faith).
Reverse: Depicts Benedetto Pistrucci’s classic St. George and the Dragon design.
1926 George V Sovereign:
Obverse: Shows the portrait of King George V by Bertram Mackennal, with the inscription “GEORGIVS V D.G. BRITT: OMN: REX F.D. IND: IMP:” (George V, by the Grace of God, King of all the Britains, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India).
Reverse: Also features Benedetto Pistrucci’s St. George and the Dragon design.